People are already taking action to ensure the hospital grounds are as festive as ever, this December. Linda Peters is Executive Director with the Bethesda Foundation. She says that generous community members are already calling in to sponsor trees for this year’s Gifts of Light fundraising campaign. “It warms my heart to know people are thinking about the Bethesda Foundation, thinking about supporting healthcare in our community, and are thinking about honouring loved ones by sponsoring a tree.” Every year, the Bethesda Foundation hosts its Gifts of Light campaign. Funds raised go to purchase much-needed healthcare equipment for the Bethesda Regional Health Centre in Steinbach, and to enhance various healthcare services such as mental health supports or primary care supports. googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()<900) { s = googletag.defineSlot(‘/50748803/stol-all-bigbox’, [300, 250], ‘div-gpt-1648064325258-bbm1’); s.setTargeting(‘URL’, [window.location.pathname]); s.setTargeting(‘position’, [1648064325258]) s.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().refresh([s], {changeCorrelator: false}); } }); Peters says the fundraising campaign not only serves to light up the trees at the hospital, but also ensures festive red trees appear on light standards along the median of highways 12 and 52 through Steinbach. She explains the red trees are a sponsorship option many choose if they wish to honour multiple people. There are many reasons one may wish to sponsor a tree, either on the hospital grounds or along the streets. Many honour the memory of loved ones who have passed. Others sponsor trees in order to honour those they know who work in healthcare. Some folks do it to bring some cheer to those spending time in the hospital, or for residents at Bethesda Place. Sometimes trees are sponsored by grandparents with their grandchildren’s names on the sign. “Throughout December and January, healthcare workers come to work in the dark and they go home in the dark,” states Peters. “It’s really nice to have the lights shining brightly, to give them a bit of a lift as they leave or arrive.” googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()<900) { s = googletag.defineSlot(‘/50748803/stol-all-bigbox’, [300, 250], ‘div-gpt-1648064325258-bbm2’); s.setTargeting(‘URL’, [window.location.pathname]); s.setTargeting(‘position’, [1648064325258]) s.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().refresh([s], {changeCorrelator: false}); } }); This year, the Bethesda Foundation has added a new sponsorship option. “We’ve added a Star sponsor level,” notes Peters. “For only $50 you can have a star lit up in the hospital windows. These lighted stars will bring cheer to patients, staff, and all who drive by. What a great way to thank our healthcare workers for taking care of us during our most difficult time. Let’s light up the entire front of the hospital!” The Bethesda Foundation is always raising funds for local healthcare projects, shares Peters. “In the past, we’ve built a Cancer Care Centre, Crisis Stabilization Unit, and Primary Care Centre. We’ve raised money for a new Emergency Department and to refurbish the Healing Garden at the hospital. We raised the community contribution funds required for the Rest Haven expansion. And currently we’re raising funds for the new and expanded surgery department at the hospital. Money raised always goes toward healthcare projects here in our community; 100% of the funds stay local.” googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()<900) { s = googletag.defineSlot(‘/50748803/stol-all-bigbox’, [300, 250], ‘div-gpt-1648064325258-bbm3’); s.setTargeting(‘URL’, [window.location.pathname]); s.setTargeting(‘position’, [1648064325258]) s.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().refresh([s], {changeCorrelator: false}); } }); Bethesda Foundation invites everyone to attend their famous tree lighting ceremony, which will be happening on the hospital grounds in Steinbach on Sunday December 1st, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm. “We will have hot dogs and hot chocolate, wagon rides and fireworks, a lot of family fun for everyone!” enthuses Peters. “And some caroling, definitely.” While sponsorships and donations are accepted by the Bethesda Foundation at all times, ideally sponsorships will be sent in well before the tree lighting on December 1st, so that signs can be ordered and set up, so the community can see them at the ceremony. “It’s important to have healthcare close to home, and Gifts of Light is a great opportunity to support much-needed healthcare projects in our community,” says Peters. “But it’s also just a great thing to do for people who are in the hospital or those who are visiting them, those who are the living at the personal care home – having the hospital grounds lit up is just a real sign of hope and healing for them as well.” googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()<900) { s = googletag.defineSlot(‘/50748803/stol-all-bigbox’, [300, 250], ‘div-gpt-1648064325258-bbm4’); s.setTargeting(‘URL’, [window.location.pathname]); s.setTargeting(‘position’, [1648064325258]) s.addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().refresh([s], {changeCorrelator: false}); } }); To sponsor a tree to browse sponsorship opportunities, please visit bethesdafoundation.ca/gift-of-lights/